Hire Innovation

About Us

Who We Are

JobXü is the one solution that works for candidates, employers of all sizes, non-profits, career centers, higher education institutions, transition and training service providers to find one another and communicate directly. Candidates take control by presenting the "whole person" and rate work and life attributes that are important to them, while the other constituents rate the attributes of their ideal candidate. 

Why we are different for seekers

You have one place to go for career information and our algorithms handle the rest.

Highlights for Candidates and those just looking for something new include:

  • Soft skill self-assessment and see what others like you, love and succeed doing
  • Find opportunities locally, nationally, remotely
  • Rate your experiences, employers, jobs, education and training
  • Your military experience is presented and also converted to the civilian equivalent so you and employers are on the same page
  • Transitioning individuals can highlight their soft skills over experience
  • Market yourself directly to employer hiring managers and training programs 
  • Keep all employment information in one secure “data vault” for entire career/life
  • Enable, participate, and encourage user self-managed social communities with peer-to-peer and peer- to-employer communications
  • Research careers, salaries, outlooks, educational requirements by location right down to the zip code level   

Why we are different for employers, educators and career counselors

Our users have told us we are "LinkedIn meets Match.com"

  • Our algorith plus your attribute ratings instantly and efficiently identify best-fit candidates
  • Rate soft and hard skills, corporate culture, experiences, volunteerism, education and more 
  • Increase your reach and compare new recruiting markets to existing success metrics 
  • Evolve best-of-breed selection criteria 
  • Target both government and private candidates
  • Improve brand with direct marketing
  • Standardize and rate candidates
  • Enable “big data” capture, analytics & visualization 
  • Build segmented pipelines (diversity, military, college, tech school, transitioning, apprenticeship, location, etc.)
  • Passively and Actively recruit
  • Communicate securely with potential candidates 

Some of our proud Partnerships include:

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